The Third German Reich 1933 - 1945Orders and DecorationsGoethe Medal

69 Goethe Medal: Estate of Prof. Dr Franz Hamburger, Director of the University Children's Hospital Vienna.

Goethe medal. 2nd model with swastika. Silver. With edge inscription: "FRANZ HAMBURGER" as well as silver hallmark "835", crescent and maker's mark "PR.ST.M.B." of the Prussian State Mint Berlin, in the beautiful original case of black leather, the lid with gold-stamped sovereign eagle. Inner part with blue velvet inlay and artificial silk lining.

Coin of honour of the city of Vienna. Fine zinc finish. Award engraving on the reverse: "UNIV. PROF. DR. FRANZ HAMBURGER 14 AUGUST 1944". In the beautiful original case made of red imitation leather, the lid with gold-stamped inscription: "EHRENMÜNZE DER STADT WIEN". Inner part with white velvet inlay and artificial silk lining.

Comes with the extraordinarily rare original award certificate, dated Vienna, 14 August 1944, with the original signature of the Mayor of the City of Vienna, Hanns Blaschke.

Attached is a printed pamphlet: Naturwissenschaft und Christentum - Ein Vortrag von Prof. Dr Franz Hamburger, Vienna 1930.

Original photo of Prof. Hamburger's inaugural lecture as Clemens v. Pirquet's successor at the paediatric clinic of the University of Vienna.

Invitation card from the Ambassador of the German Reich Franz von Papen to a reception on the occasion of the presence of the Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs and Freifrau v. Neurath to Prof. Dr. Hamburger and his wife, dated 23 February 1937.

Special edition of the Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde und Kinderfürsorge on the occasion of Professor Hamburger's 80th birthday (1954).

Obituary dated 20 August 1954.

Franz Hamburger (* 14 August 1874 in Pitten, Austria-Hungary; † 29 August 1954 in Vöcklabruck) was an Austrian physician and university lecturer.

Hamburger was the son of the paper manufacturer Wilhelm Hamburger. He attended grammar school in Wiener Neustadt and passed his school-leaving examination in 1892. He then studied medicine in Heidelberg, Munich and Graz. In Heidelberg, he became a member of the Rhenania Corps in 1892. He passed the state medical examination in 1898 and was awarded his doctorate in the same year. He then worked temporarily as a ship's doctor and subsequently as an assistant doctor in Vienna and Graz. He completed his specialist training as a paediatrician from 1900 under Theodor Escherich. In 1906, he habilitated with a thesis on intrinsic and extrinsic proteins and became a private lecturer. From 1908 he was head of the paediatric department of the Vienna Polyclinic and was appointed associate professor in 1912.

As an Austrian staff doctor, Hamburger took part in the First World War in Serbia and Italy from 1914 to 1917. In 1916, he became a full professor of paediatrics at the University of Graz, where he was also head of the university paediatric clinic. After the death of Clemens von Pirquet, he was appointed to the University of Vienna in 1930, where he was also head of the University Paediatric Clinic.

From 1931, he was a member of the Styrian Homeland Defence and later joined the NSDAP and the Nazi Doctors' Association. After the annexation of Austria to the National Socialist German Reich, he became President of the Scientific Senate of the Academy for Continuing Medical Education in Vienna. He was one of the co-editors of the Münchner Medizinische Wochenschrift. In line with Nazi health policy, he called for the sterilisation of "feeble-minded" and diabetic children. He collaborated with the "Am Steinhof" sanatorium and nursing home. In 1944, Adolf Hitler awarded him the Goethe Medal for Art and Science. He retired in 1944, but took over the management of the paediatric department at the hospital in Vöcklabruck.

After the end of the Second World War, he was relieved of his duties on 2 June 1945 and retired in 1947.

Hamburger was the author of numerous specialised articles and books. He researched all areas of paediatrics. His involvement in the introduction of BCG and subcutaneous smallpox vaccination and in the field of paediatric tuberculosis and diphtheria was outstanding.

Very interesting and extraordinarily rare estate of a recipient of the highest scientific honour of the Greater German Reich after the National Prize for Art and Science, the Goethe Medal, and at the same time holder of the rarely awarded Medal of Honour of the City of Vienna.
