HomeAuctionsAuction 79
A 79

Auction 79 - Live Saleroom Auction

The 79th auction will be held on Saturday, 30 September 2023 at 2.00 p.m. as a regular saleroom auction with audience in our  premises in Kirchheim unter Teck (Germany).

Viewing: Friday September 29 from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm and Saturday September 30 from 10.00 am to 1.30 pm.

The catalog and all lots are online. 

Bidding functions are activated, you can place bids or register for live bidding during the auction in our livestream.

The offer includes important historical collector's items and finest military antiques from all countries and periods.

In the auction section with important historical collector's items from 1933 - 1945, some important military awards, including some Knight's Cross and German Cross groupings will be offered.

The 5th auction of the auction house Thies & Schmid GmbH will be held shortly thereafter in October 2023 and will offer selected and important historical collector's firearms of the 18th - 19th century as well as rare military ordnance weapons of the 1st and 2nd World War.

Among the historical weapons are an important double-barrelled flintlock rifle from the personal possession of the French King Louis XVI and a pair of presentation pistols made by Jacques - Louis Arault in Versailles around 1765/74, dedicated by the then Dauphin (later King Louis XVI) to his page. Furthermore, we offer some very interesting Prussian and Austrian military ordnance weapons from the period of Frederick the Great, respectively Empress Maria Theresia.

One of the highlights of the firearms requiring a permit is the extremely rare carbine 98 from the Erfurt production of 1903 for MG troops in cal. 8 x 57mm IS (cartridge with pointed bullet) serial number 1106.

Some very rare sniper rifles of the 1st and 2nd World War also belong to the numerous top items of this auction.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

1 Baden: House Order of Fidelity, Breast Star worn by Prince1-2
4.000,00 €
2 Bavaria, Order of Saint Hubert: Important early Breast Badge, dating from the mid 18th Century.2.
15.000,00 €
3 Group of Medals awarded to Hauptmann Galle, 2.Garde-Fußart.Regt. Regiment.2
900,00 €
4 Group of medals of Prussian Captain Justus Schirmer.
1.200,00 €
5 Große 4-teilige Ordensspange1-2
500,00 €
6 Große 4-teilige Ordensspange1-2
500,00 €
7 Große 7-teilige Ordensspange
450,00 €
8 Orden Philipps des Großmütigen1-2
550,00 €
9 Prussia, Order Pour le Mérite: Important early neck badge of Russian manufacture from the period of the Napoleonic Wars, 1813 - 1815.2
20.000,00 €
10 Prussia: Order of the Crown 1st Class set with swords.1 - 2
20.000,00 €
11 Prussia: W. Kullrich: Generals Medal 1870/1871.2
1.800,00 €
12 Prussia: W. Kullrich: Generals Medal 1866
1.800,00 €
13 Kingdom of Saxony: Orderof Albert: Knights Breast Badge, 2nd type.1-2
900,00 €
14 Saxe - Weimar: Order of the White Falcon: Knights Breast Badge 1st Class with Swords1-2
1.800,00 €
15 Saxe - Altenburg: Herzog Medal 1st Class with Swords.1
2.000,00 €
16 Kingdom of Wuerttemberg: Commemorative Badge of King Charles, 1891 (Adjutant's Badge).1-2
9.000,00 €
17 Zigarettenetui aus den Familien v. Mackensen / v. Neurath.
1.200,00 €
18 Petschaft aus der Familie v. Neurath.
350,00 €
19 Miniaturkettchen mit 6 Auszeichnungen aus der Familie v. Mackensen / v. Neurath.
250,00 €
20 Zigarettenetui aus den Familien v. Mackensen / v. Neurath.
300,00 €
21 S.S.O. - Grouping to Captain F.R. Ewart,Liverpool Regt.1-2
2.000,00 €
23 Order of Saint Maurice and Saint Lazarus: Grand Cross Sash Badge.1-2
1.000,00 €
24 Order of Malta, reduced size early 19th century badge.2
800,00 €
25 Military Order of Maria Theresa1-2
12.000,00 €
26 Persia: Order of the Lion and Sun.1
12.000,00 €
27 Verdienstorden Stern des Edlen Hauses von Buchara1-2
20.000,00 €
28 Russia: Order of Malta.1-2
2.500,00 €
29 Serbien: Weißer Adler Orden: Bruststern zum Großkreuz.1-2
2.500,00 €
30 Serbia: Order of the White Eagle, Grand Cross with Swords.2
1.500,00 €
31 Serbia: Order of the White Eagle, 2nd Class Set with Swords.
3.000,00 €
32 Serbia: Order of the White Eagle, Commander's Neck Badge (3rd Class).1-2
1.200,00 €
33 Serbia: Order of the White Eagle2
250,00 €
34 Serbia: Order of the White Eagle1-2
120,00 €
35 Serbia: Order of Takowo, Grand Cross Breast Star.1-2
1.400,00 €
36 Order of Takowo, Grand Cross Sash Badge.1-2
1.200,00 €
37 Serbia: Order of Takovo, Commander's (3rd Class) Neck Badge.1-2
800,00 €
39 Takowo-Orden, 1865-19032
200,00 €
41 Serbia: Order of Karageorge, 1904-19152
400,00 €
42 Serbia. Order of Karageorge, 1904-19152
350,00 €
43 Serbia. Order of Saint Sava, 1st Type Grand Cross Breast Star.2-3
650,00 €
44 Serbia: Order of Saint Sava, Commander's 1st Type Neck Badge.1-2
1.000,00 €
45 Serbia: Order of Saint Sava 4th Class.2
300,00 €
47 Serbia: Officer's Dagger2
650,00 €
48 Serbia: Officer's Dagger2
700,00 €
52 Max Fleck: Portrait of Emperor William II.1-2
5.500,00 €
53 Officer's Presentation Cup in the form of the 1st Foot Garde Regiment Mitre.1-2
2.000,00 €
54 Maresciallo d'Italia Rodolfo Graziani - Sceptre as Vice - King of Ethiopia.1-2
75.000,00 €
55 Magnificent Presentation Dagger to Rodolfo Graziani, Marshall of Italy.1
30.000,00 €
56 Pair of Shoulder Boards of Benito Mussolini as head of the P.N.F. (PARTITO NATIONALE FACISTA), M 1939 - 1943.1-2
4.000,00 €
58 USA: Knight's of the Ku Klux Klan: Robe of a KKK Hydra - Grand Night Hawk of the State of Illinois.1-2
7.000,00 €
59 Grouping of Captain Karl Reese, 1./Pz.Jäg.Abt.525 - Recipient of the German Cross in Gold.1-2
5.000,00 €
60 Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze mit Einsatzzahl "50".2
2.000,00 €
61 Silver Anti Partisan Badge awarded to Oberwachtmeister der Schutzpolizei d. Reserve Fritz Paulig1-2
5.000,00 €
62 Dokumentennachlass des Oberleutnants Johannes Dienhold, 3.Flak-Regt. 23.2
2.000,00 €
63 Document grouping of the Knight's Cross recipient Captain Wilhelm Herold, Commander I./Grenadier Regiment 212
2.200,00 €
64 Knights Cross to the Iron Cross with Oakleaves1-2
15.000,00 €
65 Oakleaves with Swords to the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross.1
25.000,00 €
66 Formal Knight's Cross Award Certificate to Oberwachtmeister Ernst Alex, Zugführer i.d. 1./ St. Gesch. Battr. 243.1-2
10.000,00 €
67 Knights Cross original Case of Issue1-2
2.000,00 €
69 Iron Cross 2nd Class 1939.2
150,00 €
70 Iron Cross 1st Class by Souval "L/58".
2.000,00 €
71 Knights Cross of the War Merit Cross with Swords.1-2
6.000,00 €
72 Knights Cross of the War Merit Cross.1
6.500,00 €
74 Golden Close Combat Clasp, type 2 produced by the company C.E. Junker, Berlin1-2
20.000,00 €
75 Kriegsmarine Standard Pole Top1-2
5.000,00 €
76 Auszeichnungs- und Dokumentennachlass des Korvettenkapitäns Helmut Drechsler2
5.000,00 €
79 Grouping to Sergeant Ernst Ernst Meyer, 1./Sturzkampfgeschwader 771-2
9.000,00 €
80 Regimental Baton of the 1st Bataillon Regiment General Göring1-2
5.000,00 €
81 Group of Medals of Oberleutnant and Knights Cross Recipient Otto Hielscher, Chef 5. / Art. Rgt. 168.2
18.000,00 €
82 Gold Tank Destruction Badge.1 - 2
4.500,00 €
83 Group of Medals of a Wehrmacht Schirrmeister.2
600,00 €
84 Cuff Title "Führerhauptquartier".1-2
1.500,00 €
85 Tunic of an Infantry Regiment 118 Colonel.1-2
1.800,00 €
86 Pioneer - Bataillon 27 Lieutenants Tunic.1-2
600,00 €
87 NCO's Tank Unit Visor Cap1-2
900,00 €
88 Presentation Cup issued by Hauptmann Adelbert Schulz (Diamonds Recipient).1-2
600,00 €
89 Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze, 1939-452
150,00 €
90 Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber, 1939-451-2
150,00 €
91 Black Tank Officer's Panzer Wrapper for a Major.1-2
4.000,00 €
92 Großdeutschland Cuff Title.1-2
900,00 €
93 Grouping of Lieutenant Colonel Hrelmut Brandt, 8th Panzer - Division.1-2
6.000,00 €
94 Tunic for a Tank Unit Lieutenant.1-2
500,00 €
95 Highly Important Lot of original Field Marshal Rommel Photos1-2
12.000,00 €
96 Sturmbannfahne I/5 der SS des Sturmbannes I. der 5. SS - Standarte.1-2
7.500,00 €
97 SS Dienstauszeichnung 1. Stufe für 25 Dienstjahre2
9.000,00 €
98 SS - 12 Year Long Service Cross1
4.500,00 €
99 SS Heimwehr Danzig Cuff Title.1 – 2.
7.500,00 €
100 SS Juncker - Degen2
2.800,00 €
102 Black Allgemeine SS and Verfügungstruppe NCO'S Visor Hat.1-2
2.000,00 €
103 Standarte 83 Cuff Title (Oberhessen / Giessen)1-2
700,00 €
104 SS - Cuff Title Oberabschnitt II (Chemnitz / Dresden)1-2
1.200,00 €
105 SS - Cuff Title Standarte 7 (Plauen)1-2
600,00 €
106 Single Enlisted Men's Collar Tab for the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler1-2
350,00 €
107 Paar Kragenspiegel der SS - Division Totenkopf, bzw. Totenkopfverbände (Doppelspiegel)1.2
2.500,00 €
108 Pair of SS Standarte 3 8Der Führer) Collar Tabs1-2
1.300,00 €
109 Black SS Panzer Wrapper for an Hauptscharführer of the Wiking - Division.1-2
18.000,00 €
110 Black Side Cap for Waffen - SS Tank Units.
3.000,00 €
111 a Pair of Waffen - SS Untersturmführer Shoulder Boards1-2
250,00 €
112 SS - Obersturmführer Shoulder Boards1-2
200,00 €
114 Pair of Leibstandarte Untersturmführer Shoulder Boards.1-2
2.000,00 €
115 SS - Division " Das Reich" Cuff Title.1-2
950,00 €
116 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Cuff Title1-2
900,00 €
117 Uniform for Political Leaders (Haupt - Gemeinschaftsleiter) Ortsgruppe.1-2
2.000,00 €
118 NSDAP Baden Gau Badge for Women.1-2
800,00 €
119 Award Folder for the higher classes of the NSDAP Long Service Award2
1.500,00 €
121 DAF Crystal Goblet1-2
1.200,00 €
122 Diplomatic Passport of the German Ambassador to Rome Hans Georg von Mackensen.1-2
1.500,00 €
124 Sword for higher Prison Officials2
2.500,00 €
125 Justice Officials Sword2
2.500,00 €
126 Calendar Mirror - Promotional Gift from the WKC Edged Weapons Factory1
300,00 €
127 Lemoine: Sculpture of a Sprinter1-2
2.000,00 €
128 Ceiling Light from Kehlsteinhaus
1.200,00 €
130 Ivor Saliger - Recycling Nude.1-2
3.000,00 €
131 Arno Breker: Porträtkopf Adolf Hitler2
7.500,00 €
132 Portrait Bust of Adolf Hitler1-2
4.000,00 €
133 Th. Linz: Portrait Bust of Adolf Hitler.1-2
3.000,00 €
134 Max Bezner: Portrait Bust of Hermann Göring2
3.500,00 €
135 Small Portrait Bust of Hermann Göring1-2
500,00 €
137 Red Cross Poster1-2
600,00 €
138 Reichswehr Recruitment Poster1
800,00 €
139 Poster - Call for subscription of war bonds.1-2
800,00 €
140 Anti Bolshewic Poster from the 1920's1
2.500,00 €
141 Poster - Appeal for donations for the subscription of war bonds1
600,00 €
142 Poster "Bauer hilf, die Städte hungern!".1-2
800,00 €
143 Dokumentenkonvolut zur V11-2
550,00 €
144 Der Völkische Beobachter, 1925 - 19272
3.000,00 €
147 Large Collection of WHW Badges1-2
700,00 €
148 Große Sammlung WHW - Abzeichen1-2
1.000,00 €
150 GDR General's Dagger1-2
1.500,00 €