Andreas Thies Festpreis


Our Online Shop with items for direct purchase will be updated regularily. Currently, the offer includes a few selected orders, medals and militaria. We have a lot more items for direct purchase available.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Austria: Military - Maria - Theresia - Order: Grand Cross, privately made version in Diamonds.
Limit: 25.000,00 €
Imperial Russia. Order of Saint Alexander Nevskij1-2
Limit: 28.000,00 €
Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte, König beider Sizilien, danach König von Spanien. Etui mit Speisetellern für den Gebrauch im Felde.1-2
Limit: 45.000,00 €
Highly important Imperial Kovsh - gift of the Empress Elisabeth Petrovna to Cossack Ataman Pjotr Stepanow.1-2
Limit: 27.500,00 €
Ferdinand Freiherrn von Biedenfeld, Geschichte und Verfassung aller geistlichen und weltlichen, erloschenen und blühenden Ritterorden, erster Band
Limit: 1.500,00 €
Friedrich Gottschalck, Almanach der Ritter-Orden, Erste Abteilung. Die deutschen Ritter-Orden Abteilung
Limit: 500,00 €
Monastery Order of Heiligengrabe.1-2
Limit: 8.000,00 €
Prussia: Royal award document for the Order of the Black eagle in Diamonds to Ober- Hof- und Haus-Marschall und Ober - Stallmeister Wirklichen Geheimen Rat Grafen von Pückler.1-2
Limit: 8.500,00 €
Preussen: Frauenverdienstzeichen (Verdienstbrosche für Frauen) in Gold, mit gekrönter Initiale „A“ der Kaiserin und Königin Augusta, an Kaiserinnenkrone1-2
Limit: 25.000,00 €
Order Decoration.
Limit: 7.000,00 €
Badge of Inspectors of the "Directoire".1-2
Limit: 5.000,00 €
Order of the Bath.2
Limit: 1.500,00 €
Herzogtum Lucca: Militärverdienstorden vom Heiligen Georg1-2
Limit: 10.000,00 €
Orden der Schwäbischen Reichsritterschaft.1-2
Limit: 12.000,00 €
Imperial Russia: A truly magnificent Order of Saint Andrew early Collar Chain by Immanuel Pannasch, dated 1831.1-2
Limit: 250.000,00 €
Russia: Order of St. Anne, 1st type, ca. 1760.
Limit: 10.000,00 €
Sweden: Order of the Amaranth, embroidered Grand Cross Breast Star, late 18th century.1
Limit: 3.800,00 €
Spain: Order of Charles III Breast Star to the Grand Cross from the property of Prince Ludwig Ferdinand of Bavaria.1-2
Limit: 2.400,00 €
Spain: Order of Charles III. Commander's Breast Star.1-2
Limit: 500,00 €
Ottoman Empire - Order of Glory1
Limit: 30.000,00 €
H. Schulze - Illustrations to the chronicle of all knights - orders and decorations of all sovereigns and governments - dedicated to His Majesty the King of Prussia Frederick William IV. Berlin 1853.1-2
Limit: 4.000,00 €
Giovine Raffaele: Important set of six gilded plates with military representation of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.1-2
Limit: 28.000,00 €
Reichskanzler Fürst Otto von Bismarck, Glückwunschurkunde 1885
Limit: 1.500,00 €
Wax relief with portrait of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie - Antoinette.1-2
Limit: 3.000,00 €
Important Presentation Snuff Box with the portrait of Madame de Pompadour, official mistress of King Louis XV.1-2
Limit: 18.000,00 €
Säbel des Typs Petit Montmorency aus der Zeit der Französischen Revolution.1-2
Limit: 3.500,00 €
Presentation - Portrait Miniatures of King George V (reigned 1910 - 1936) and his wife Queen Mary.
Limit: 3.500,00 €
Presentation - Sword of the City of Turin to Cesare Maria De Vecchi, Governor of Italian - Somaliland.1-2
Limit: 6.000,00 €
Ceremonial document on the occasion of the appointment of Prince Ferdinand von Lobkowitz as honorary cavalry master and owner of the I Squadron of the Civic Cavalry of the Prague Sharpshooters.1-2
Limit: 1.500,00 €
Commander's Baton of a Spanish Military Leader from the War of the Spanish Succesion, 1701 - 1715.2
Limit: 14.000,00 €
Order of the German Eagle: Grand Cross Set, 1st Type, 1937-1939.1 - 2
Limit: 28.000,00 €
1st Class Danzig Cross Presentation Document to Reichsminister Dr. Lammers, Chief of the Reichskanzlei.1-2
Limit: 7.500,00 €
Ottmar Obermeier: "Fencer" ( Allach No 83).1-2
Limit: 8.500,00 €
Feldbinden-, bzw. Koppelschloß für höchste Angehörige des Reichsaußenministeriums bzw. den Reichsaußenminister.1
Limit: 3.500,00 €
Bronze Sculpture of a Hand Grenade Launcher.1-2
Limit: 9.000,00 €
Wilhelm Kohlhoff, "Die Fahne"
Limit: 9.500,00 €
Early Original Photograph of Adolf Hitler from 1895.
Limit: 6.000,00 €
Limit: 7.500,00 €
Cut emerald cameo with portrait head of the Duce Benito Mussolini.1-2
Limit: 5.000,00 €
Spain: Religious Pendant, 17th Century.1-2
Limit: 3.800,00 €
Heart Shaped Diamond and Brillant Cut Earings by Cartier
Limit: 12.000,00 €
Cartier Diamond Ring Model "1895".1
Limit: 9.500,00 €
Limit: 2.500,00 €
Pair of Panther Earrings by Cartier.
Limit: 12.500,00 €
A Pair of Gold Cartier Cufflinks.1-2
Limit: 1.800,00 €
Parma: Chamberlain's Key of Duke Louis.1-2
Limit: 1.400,00 €